🍱 | Templates

Templates and Starter Kits


This section is under development. We are adding more templates here.

Pictionary Drawing Game

Code (opens in a new tab) | Demo (opens in a new tab)

Pictionary is a game where one player is given a word and he/she has to draw it so that other players can guess it. It is a fun game to play with friends and family. This game is built using React, drawingboard.js, and Playroom Kit.

Pictionary Game

Cars on Roof – Three.js + Cannon Game

Code (opens in a new tab) | Demo (opens in a new tab)

This is a sample project that uses Three.js, Cannon and PlayroomKit to create an isometric car game. The car physics and model are from Bruno Simon's website (opens in a new tab).

Cars on Roof Game

2D Parkour – PhaserJS Platformer Sample

Code (opens in a new tab) | Demo (opens in a new tab)

This sample project uses Phaser3 and Arcade Physics to create a 2D platformer with an attempt to make the perfect platformer game mechanics as seen on games like Super Meat Boy.

2D Parkour Game